Monday, July 10, 2006

Ben Dova, The Convivial Inebriate

Remember Lee Evans ring gag at the end of the film FUNNY BONES (or Bello Nock's swaypole routine from his final year with Big Apple)? Well, here is where it all starts...

Joseph Späh as "Ben Dova, The Convivial Inebriate", far and away the most interesting story that you'll read all day...

1 comment:

  1. I first met Ben Dova when we were on the bill together at the "CAFE MOCAMBO", in Montreal,(I put that in capital letters & parenthesis because believe me that place was a whole nother story. The bottom of his Lamp Post was rigged with shock cord so if you tipped it over, it would stand back up by itself. He also had rollers in his shoes, which we know,is no novelty now. No disrespect to efforts to copy this act but they have been highly unsuccessful. I have maintained for years, you can copy the tricks, or routine, but you can't become the performer.
