Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello to Dean Chambers and Chris Connors

I was told the other day that longtime Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Advance Clown and Producing Clown Dean "Elmo Gibb" Chambers and Chris Connors, both currently on tour with the New Cole Bros. Circus, were looking in at the photos here. Elmo is back on the road again with his educated ponies and Chris is sharing Ringmaster/Performance Director duties with Ted McRae.

Howdy fellas! For the first time in years I can't wait for the Cole show to make it here to Jersey. I remember Elmo on the Ringling show when I was young. I remember meeting him once in the Brunswick Square Mall just a few years later. I can't wait to take my son Shane to the show and have him see one of the clowns that I enjoyed watching when I was just a few years older than he is now.

Who knows, maybe Elmo will help inspire the next generation of Cashins to slap on the greasepaint. Shane sure as heck isn't impressed with the old man ; )

Now, if I could just get the Cole Marketing Dept. to cough up the expense money they've owed me since 2000 I'd go back to doing their advance work in a minute...

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