Thursday, August 31, 2006

Charlie Rivel's Props

Photos taken at the Charlie Rivel exhibit at the museum in his birthplace, Cubelles, Spain. You can see Rivels's wigs, shoes, makeup box, his trademark long sweater as well as the guitar and chair for his entree. The costume from the Maria Callas parody hangs on the wall behind them.


  1. As I'm going to Copenhagen, Denmark next week, and should be meeting Charlie Rivel's grandson Benny Schumann, maybe this is the time to contribute my first comment.
    Superb site, Pat.
    And that's from a Brit (short for "Briton", there being no such word as "Britisher"!)
    I am learning things on this side of The Pond, but I have to say that you don't have everything right about every European act/clown. I'll e-mail you privately, Pat, and maybe we can correct a few things and add others.
    Belated congratulations on your birthday. Next year's the BIG one, is it? Don't worry. Greg's buddy Toto gets there in January (which statement has got Greg wondering!!!) and I made it ages ago!
    Lest anybody's wondering how Benny Schumann comes to be Charlie's grandson, Charlie's daughter Paulina married Albert Schumann of the noted Danish circus family.Benny is their son. Albert died a few years ago but Paulina is still with us.
    Albert's brother Max (who died late in 2004) was the father of Katja Schumann, who was associated with Big Apple Circus for several years. She's due to start a short season in Sweden soon.
    Again, well done, Pat.


  2. John,

    Thanks for the post and I apologize for not getting back to you privately the other day. All of that email was lost when the computer went down.

    PLEASE help out with info on the European clowns!

    I've got some books, some photos and some tapes but they are no substitute for having seen these artists in performance.

    We're very fortunate to have so many American showfolk here to help with photos and stories, please pass the word along so that we can share more information with the Euroclowns!

    And yes, Greg and Karen, Toto and I, and most of the Clown College grads are now staring down the barrel of middle-age or older! EEEEEeeeeesh!


  3. "And yes, Greg and Karen, Toto and I, and most of the Clown College grads are now staring down the barrel of middle-age or older! EEEEEeeeeesh!"

    Waah.. waah... waaah... somebody call the waah-mbulance!

    I am from the class of 72. I have clown white older than some of you guys. ;^)

  4. "And yes, Greg and Karen, Toto and I, and most of the Clown College grads are now staring down the barrel of middle-age or older! EEEEEeeeeesh!"

    Waah.. waah... waaah... somebody call the waah-mbulance!

    I am from the class of 72. I have clown white older than some of you guys. ;^)

  5. Glad to get some reaction, but, clownron, I think they heard you the first time.
    Any way, I thought that clownron was a brand of make-up any way.
    I will disassociate Karen with you "gentlemen" as far as advanced age is concerned. She just happens to hang out with a guy with areceding hairline. (That's got him really worried!) I know, Greg. It's an effect of the wig. Nothing more.
    Pleased to note, Pat, that you have a second carrer after giving up the tennis. Or was that somebody else?
    I shall be in touch in due course.


  6. For Greg, don't worry about that receding hairline, it can't go any further than the back of your neck!!!!
