Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Keith Crary @ Circus World

Keith Crary, a real clown, seated inside a reproduction of a calliope wagon outside a reproduction of a circus tent at the Circus World Showcase in Haines City, FL in the 70s.

1 comment:

  1. In 1973 Keith got off the train at a water stop. I think he was buying some new eye liner. The train whistled, and pulled away from the stop. We saw Kieth start running towards the train. I might add that not only did Kieth smile while he was running, he executed a perfect 'half-angel' as he grabbed the train. Unfortunately it threw him about 10 feet and we all watched as Keith shrunk out of site, abandoned in Bum F#*!k, Iowa.

    We saw Kieth again at the next town. He had taken a bus, bought a brand new pair of slacks, and had a few boo boos from the gravel.

    Someday I will tell you about the time Randy Costello dove off the moving train, or the time Mark Buthman was left in his PJ's, in New Haven, in a snow storm....
