Thursday, September 07, 2006

Frank Oakley: Out of Makeup

Photo courtesy of Tom Dougherty

Another photo from the Tom Dougherty Collection of photos from the personal scrapbook of Frank "Slivers" Oakley.

This is the only photo of Frank Oakley, out of makeup, that I've ever seen.

Tomorrow, another photo from the Dougherty Archives and one that helps dispel the myth that Slivers was a "one trick pony" with only his famous Baseball Gag. Tomorrow: Slivers' Golf Gag!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Billy!

    Please send us some of YOUR photos!

    I wish you'd post your appearance at the 20th CC reunion to YouTube so the world could see!

    The most stirring and heartfelt rendition of "Send In the Clowns" I've ever heard!

