Friday, September 15, 2006

Joe Jackson Sr.

Photo courtesy of Robin Estes

Vaudeville star Joe Jackson Sr., in and out of makeup.

1 comment:

  1. Pat,

    As you know I live in upstate New YOrk. Sometime in the 80's my father-in-law and I are golfing in the Lake George area one fine summer's day.

    My father-in-law always got an early start on the links. This day we are trying a course that was recommended to us.

    We arrive very early, on the way to the club house we pass a couple of dozen golf carts. On one golf cart is a 5x7 photo of Joe Jackson, Jr.

    Isn't that strange.

    We get into the club house and get started and I ask the attendant about the Joe Jackson, Jr. photo.

    Get this: Yes, it is indeed Joe AND he'll be in later, he golfs here everyday because he lives right down the road!

    "May I have a piece of paper, please, I would like to write a note to Mr. Jackson," I said.

    Remember, this was in BCP time, before cell phones.

    At the end of the day I met Joe and we had a great conversation. I couldn't stay any longer because the cook-out was happening at the relative's summer house and I was on short time.

    If I remember correctly he just returned from Switzerland where he finished another tour with one of the ice shows.

    My father-in-law and I get into the car and he says to me, "Don't you ever get a break? That damn circus gets in your way everyday."

    I replied, "The circus NEVER gets in my way."
