Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Doug Ashton?

We've had a lot of international visitors recently.

Folks from all over Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South America and even South Africa have found us here in the past few weeks but we have one person in Australia who is looking in almost every day.

I'm wondering if it might be Dougie Ashton, seen above with Michu, Tim Torklidson and (hiding in the back) future Dean of Clown College, Ron Severini in whiteface.

I just worked with Doug's nephew, Mike Ashton, his wife Sue and their beautiful new baby. Mike told me that Doug is back in Australia with a gig in a seaside resort town. If you're out there Doug, please drop me a line!


  1. Isn't this Tim T. in white face and Dean Severini in his character/tramp make up, behind Mr. Ashton?


  2. Tim is behind Michu.

    Ron is behind Mr. Ashton.

    Ron started out as a grotesque whiteface and then adapted elements of that makeup into his better known auguste/character hybrid.

  3. It might be the lighting on Dougie's face, but it also could be powder from the camera gag , he and Lazlo used to do on the track.


  4. Dougie Ashton was instrumental in getting me the 3 year gig on Sole Bros. Circus in Oz back in the '80s. It was some of the best times of my life. So if Doug reads this, I just want to say "Hello".
