Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Joel Heidtman

Here's former Ringling Red Unit clown and (along with Steve Patient) juggling instructor for my class at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, Mr. Joel Heidtman.

He's a great guy, a great performer with a great sense of humor and he's the father of one of the cutest kids you've ever seen.

Send this around to everyone you know and let's see if we can't make Joel the next Chris Bliss.


  1. Ye gods, the guy is good. Glad he managed to get time off from the bank! The sort of subdued showmanship I really like.
    I've you enjoy juggling, and fancy a trip to Europe, you may care to know that Anthony Gatto is in the 2nd winter programme at Kronebau, Munich, Germany. It runs from 1 to 28 February.Plenty of other strong acts.
    Ist and 3rd programmes look strong, too, so consider seeing 2 different shows during the one visit.
    Susan Lacey is in the 1st prog with her lions. And she's retiring at the end of it.
    More info available if you ask me nicely!


  2. anonymous John had some nice things to say about Joel and to mention Gatto in the same post as Joel is saying something !! Being Joel's older brother I, of course, taught him everything he knows.
    Thanks Pat ... it was a nice surprise to open your site and find Joel's video today - keep up the great work.

    Cap'n Mike Heidtman
    RBB&B Red Unit 1992

  3. That's funny... Joel doesn't LOOK like a 'buckeye?'

  4. Woot!!!! You go Joel! Wow, I didn't know you could juggle. I just remember having a blast in Mexico on the King Tusk tour with you as our guide.

    And Susan Lacey retiring? She's never gotten the recognition she deserved. Wish I could see her again. . .

    Here's a link to some of the weirdness I've been cultivating. . .as visionaerialist I'm combining circus arts, music and video to delve into a new frontier.

    Great to know Joel's still out there kickin' it.

    Light on your path,

    Lynn aka Visionaerialist

  5. Since you mention it, Lynn, apparently Susan Lacey is retiring in order to get married. Her second marriage, I hasten to add. Richard, Alex and Martin Jr. are legitimate.


  6. John, to set the record straight. Ms. Lacey is not retiring to get married. She is still married to Martin Lacey. We were never divorced. She is retiring to work with safer animals.
    One of the boys
