Thursday, November 16, 2006

Albert White

Photo courtesy of Robin Estes, from the Estate of Harold Ronk

Former diesel truck mechanic, three time Golden Gloves Middleweight champion and WW2 Navy Seal...Mr. Albert "Flo" White.

And while we're at it, anyone want to buy a bridge? Anyone? ; )


  1. Pat:

    I'm very sure if Albert were still with us he would laugh his panties off at that inclusion. hahahahaha.

  2. Hi Pat,

    Whenever I would visit my pen pal Gene Lewis, I would invariably see Albert White.

    Once I recall Ringling had just come east from Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Albert kept telling me how wonderful the Poughkeepsie lot was - but because of his pronounced lisp it came out like this:

    "The grath ith alwayth tho green in Pah-kip-thee!"

    I was just a kid and at first I thought he was trying to be funny. Finally I realized he wasn't kidding ... that that was the way he talked.

    Albert was always a kind and wonderful gentleman and I remember being so impressed that he remembered my name from year to year. Funny the things we remember. Thanks for the pictures!

    Rick Whelan

  3. Over the years I've seen photo after photo of Albert posing with Gene. They must have been very good friends.

    I've been told that Kenny Dodd does the most accurate impression of Albert's distinctive voice. I hope to make it down to Sarasota soon and meet him so that I can hear it.


  4. Hi Pat,
    Thanks for posting all the great photos of the clowns of yesterday. It a joy to see them .
    I noticed that this photo is marked as being from 1954. Actually it should be from 1953. The costume that Albert White is wearing is for the Memory Ship float. The costume on the showgirl is from the Unicorn "Pay off" float.The spec was "Candyland".
    Dom Yodice

  5. Flo's lisp wasn't really a lisp at all -- more of a speech impediment....and a very juicy one at that. I've never heard Kenny's impression (yet...), but Jackie Leclaire's impression is SPOT ON!

    Deb (Flo's niece)
