Friday, November 17, 2006

Polack Alley 1960

Photo courtesy of Bill Strong

Here's the Polack show Alley in 1960

Clockwise starting top left: Javier "Peluza" Esparza, George "Sonny" Riley, The Sherman Brothers, Big Chess (Chester), & JoJo (Joe Vanni), Li'l Johnny ( John Cirillino), Acky (Al Ackerman, former acrobat) and Jimbo( James "Jimmy" Douglass) & Flip (Arthur Gallagher).

Has anyone out there in Vegas come across Peluza yet?


  1. That guy in the top left box looks like the Jimmy Stewart character in the 'Greatest Show On Earth' movie, doesn't he?


  2. Peluza has received criticism for years over that make up, irregardless he was a very professional, and very funny clown. I'm sure he would be working today had he not been struck by a hit & run motorist, receiving injuries that ended his career & and nearly ended his life.

  3. Hello, "Peluza" is currently in Las Vegas. He is my uncle. As he does not make use of modern technology (no computer savvy), I can assist anyone who wishes to communicate with him. Contact me at If you were a friend of his or just appreciate the old classic clowns, he would love to hear from you I'm sure.- Alexander
