Saturday, November 18, 2006

Trio Munoz at Monte Carlo 2002

I dscovered a new video at You Tube featuring a clown entree I'd seen before done by a trio I was unfamiliar with so I asked John Cooper if he could identify the clowns in the clip I found at:
(Imbedding is disabled for this video)

This is what he found...


The act is Trio Munoz, and the video is shot at the
26th Monte Carlo International Circus Festival in
2002.This was the first Festival at which Bronze
Clowns were awarded, and the act won a Bronze Clown.

The personnel:-
Principal Auguste is Angelo Munoz (Portugal). I first
saw him with his family's water act on Billy Smart's
in 1961. He is now retired. His son Celestino ("Tino")
handles the lighting for Germany's Cirkus Krone.

Second Auguste is Enrico Caroli (France) who is now
virtually a permanent fixture with Circus Knie in
Switzerland, usually as ringmaster or ring foreman,
although he has taken part in riding acts. Both
disciplines are in his blood, his grandfather being
Enrico Caroli of the noted clown act Les Francescos,
who started out as riders.

White-face is Orlando Arias (Colombia) of whom I
hadn't heard until he joined Angelo. And I've heard
just as much since Angelo retired.

Clearly the clip is cut to fit a 5 minute slot.
I don't think it will spoil any enjoyment to say that
it is necessary to plant something in the audience,
thus creating a human plant. The gentleman here I do
not recognise, but he plays his part very well.
And to save you re-running the clip, the camera misses
the switch.

John Cooper


Thanks John!


  1. I think the routine is actually Angelo's - and remember that this clip does not show the complete act.
    I saw this trio do the number at Theater Carre, Amsterdam, over Christmas 2002-2003.
    The following year I saw another clown trio do exactly the same routine, down to the closing music ("Tico, Tico").
    The letter lot does have a tendency to -er- borrow stuff!!


  2. that is so true: in roncalli it was much better.

    but anonimous youre wrong it is Angelos routine.

    the family munoz does it a long time and many other clowns do it now ( for example bruno stutz and milko and frenky in renz)

    angelos brother and his two sons are the luftman trio and also do " the bon -bons" for a long time.

    rui luftman ( angelos brother) and his son maximo worked at roncalli after angelo retired.

    rui was al his life the whiteface and maximo an auguste.

    but bernhard paul changed it the other way around for roncalli.and he was right!! maximo was a nice whiteface ( he alternated with fransesco caroli in his last year.

    and rui had the same look as his brother as an auguste.

    but the act is great.

    sometimes i do it to: but in an other was: with a special magic pan in the hat that disapears the second time when the whiteface goes away. And i poor some lighter liquid in ( i'ts water offcourse) and then houlf it over the candle:
    with the help of a smal theatre blitz there is a flash and a bang and some smoke.

    we also play more around with the food.
    the closing music you dont have to do.

    if you want anything to know about european clowns yust ask: a almost know everything about it!!!

  3. that is so true: in roncalli it was much better.

    but anonimous youre wrong it is Angelos routine.

    the family munoz does it a long time and many other clowns do it now ( for example bruno stutz and milko and frenky in renz)

    angelos brother and his two sons are the luftman trio and also do " the bon -bons" for a long time.

    rui luftman ( angelos brother) and his son maximo worked at roncalli after angelo retired.

    rui was al his life the whiteface and maximo an auguste.

    but bernhard paul changed it the other way around for roncalli.and he was right!! maximo was a nice whiteface ( he alternated with fransesco caroli in his last year.

    and rui had the same look as his brother as an auguste.

    but the act is great.

    sometimes i do it to: but in an other was: with a special magic pan in the hat that disapears the second time when the whiteface goes away. And i poor some lighter liquid in ( i'ts water offcourse) and then houlf it over the candle:
    with the help of a smal theatre blitz there is a flash and a bang and some smoke.

    we also play more around with the food.
    the closing music you dont have to do.

    if you want anything to know about european clowns yust ask: a almost know everything about it!!!

  4. who is orlando rias:

    he worked three seasons as a white face for knie.

    he is an actor ho does a lot of comical theatre.

    he is also a professional clown but works mainly at childrens partys.

    now he is back in theatre because knie didnt have any classical clowns after the munoz trio anymore.

    they are working a lot with comedians from tv and they do spoken reprises.

    Orlando Arias also has a website!!

  5. Angelo Muñoz is my grand father =D and im not telling no lie =D
    Bye bye oh and pleas if you have any videos from him workin pleas send me it to my email :
