Saturday, December 09, 2006

Duane "Uncle Soapy" Thorpe: 10/11/24 - 12/9/95

And last, but certainly not least, take a moment today to remember Duane Lawrence "Uncle Soapy" Thorpe who may have left this world 11 years ago today but will always be a part of The Alley.

Duane Lawrence "Uncle Soapy" Thorpe
October 11, 1924 - December 9, 1995

Painting by Cowboy Mike Keever

From Joel Heidtman...

Rest well Dear Friend... and Thanks for the memories.

You are loved.

Your pal,

Joel Heidtman

1 comment:

  1. This is very touching. It's nice to know how much my Uncle touched others lives as much as he touched ours. He was very special and we loved him.
    Thanks for your tribute, Pat. The circus is came to town (Pensacola) today. Uncle Soapy is in my uppermost thoughts and I miss him. I wish I could go see him like I did in the past when he came to town.
    Cyndi Casart
