Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More Prince

Photo courtesy of Robin Estes. from the Estate of Harold Ronk

An undated photo that looks to be from the late 60s with Prince Paul, an elephant (possibly the same Baby John from the other day) an unidentified fella and Ringmaster Harold Ronk.

The legs of that stiltwalker on the left may be those of Mike Coco, maybe Barry Sloan.


  1. The "unidentified fella" is the celebrated Capt. Hugo Schmitt, honcho of the Ringling elephant herd during that period.

  2. I was just looking over some of my collection of circus programs the other day and ran across a picture of Captain Hugo Schmitt.

    As soon as I saw this picture you posted I immedaitely knew who the unidentified feller was. I was hoping I could tell you and be the hero.

    That guy Jack Ryan is really up on his stuff.

    I love this blog!


  3. Harold Ronk was the best ringmaster ever!!
