Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Carol & Emmett

Further evidence that Carol Burnett's crippling coulrophobia (which in Diane Keaton's book CLOWN PAINTINGS she claims to have had since childhood) is a recent invention of hers.

Here she is seen with Lucille Ball, Flip Wilson and Emmett Kelly, who was a guest on her show, in a Shrine Circus program photo. She looks fine to me.

I was reminded the other day that Carol had no problem with clowns when she was presented with a honorary degree from Clown College by Peggy Williams during the Q & A opening of an episode of her variety show.

Carol Burnett: like an uninteresting puzzle wrapped in a has-been enigma...

1 comment:

  1. Pat,

    The interesting thing is that Carol's make-up artists on her variety show were Verne :Langdon and Keith Crary. go figure.

