Thursday, March 15, 2007

BOBBY KAYE on Queen For a Day

Extremely rare video from long before he became one of only four Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey clowns to earn the title of "Master Clown", here we see Robert "Bobby Kaye" Smiley doing advance work for the circus by appearing on an episode of the daytime game show QUEEN FOR A DAY.

Bobby is partnered here with a woman identified only as "Larry". Despite the claim by the host, "Larry" was not a Ringling circus clown and doesn't seem to be a pro clown at all. Who is she? Why is she there? I don't know.

Beware the Ides of March!


  1. Bobby Kaye: What a sweetheart he was!

    That Queen for a Day host was a real jerk though wasn't he? But Bobby handled it gracefully.


  2. thank you for sharing this video.I havent been able to stop watching it. Bobby was a master at p.r. in clown college he was the one who taught us wardrobe,makeup andhow to handle the media. he always said make sure they always get your name.
    alot of memories.
    Mitch Freddes

  3. If it hadn't been for Bobby, my two-year clowning stint with Ringing could have been a far less fulfilling experience. In 1968, the veterans of clown alley were facing the bitter winds of change at Ringling: Ringling North's to the Felds' ownership; from indivdiually negotiated contracts to AGVA-mandated minimums; and, worst of all, from the anticipated clown college (still a year in the future.) They saw in me, who had come on thanks to the kindness and support of Bob Dover and the willingness of the Felds to take a risk, the opening blast of these winds. It is was Bobby who convinced a hostile alley that I was, in fact, sincere in my respect for their craft, and not, despite my long hair and mustache, some adventuring hippie! He was my friend throughout my time at Ringling, taught me a lifetime of knowledge, and a gentleman of the old school. What a pleasure to see him and hear him again! Thank you for this touching experience.
