Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Paul Gutheil: Le Clown Gordoon

Photo by Paul Gutheil

Another great Paul Gutheil photo, this one of Ringling Clown College graduate and longtime star of the Big Apple Circus, Jeff "Le Clown Gordoon" Gordon seen here doing the multi-leg bit.

Jeff is the creator of the classic clown bit with the leaf blower and the toilet paper, the one that's been ripped off almost as many times than the bit with the audience volunteers and the four chairs. It's a contemporary classic, on par with the Washerwoman Gag in how unbelievably quickly it spread throughout the industry and became a "standard". But it isn't really a standard. It's Jeff's act, which he's still doing.

There are many variations on the idea out there but until you've seen Jeff's version, well... "You Ain't Seen Nothin'!"


  1. So who did create the four chair bit? I have never used the bit, however, have seen it used a lot.

    I have never seen anyone come "even close" to presenting the leaf blower and toilet paper as well as it's originator.

    A little off topic... I think the Big Apple Circus trio of Mr. Stubs, Grandma and Gordoon are right up there with the Rastellis and Caroli's.

    Kenny Ahern

  2. I don't know who the originator of the four chairs is, but Leo Splendorio brought it to Circus Smirkus after seeing a street performer do it. The next year, when Rob Mermin became co-director of Ringling's Clown College, he brought it to the units, and it has been used by just about every Ringling clown since then.

  3. I was chatting one day with Peggy Williams, who informed me that the toilet paper/leaf blower bit was invented by one of the Bulgarians on the Red Unit and used in a sloppy gag--years before Jeff got hold of it. However, Jeff certainly gets credit for turning the bit into a gag. The sheer joy which he conveyed to the audience while blowing the paper into the air was astounding. Nobody has ever been able to come close to him for presentation of this gag.

    Elmo Gibb

  4. On a similar note, since Fumagalli (coming to a BAC near you soon) started doing Busy Bee, a helluva lot of clowns have begun to do it, right down to the same gestures and wording.
    So much for originality.


  5. Fumigalli has made Busy Bee his own in many ways...but I've seen Angelo Munoz do a great version, Charlie Caroli and Jimmy Buchannan, Mike Coco and many American comedians like Abbott & Costello have the routine in their arsenal.


  6. Clown Gordoon and Drew the Dramatic Fool (me) will be performing their solo shows in a one-night only five-dollar double bill in Pittsburgh, PA on Tuesday, April 10th. They (we) are doing this to videotape their shows for promotional purposes. Go to http://www.kelly-strayhorn.org for more information.
    --Drew Richardson
