Friday, April 27, 2007

CLOWN ALLEY: Ringling at the Garden 1920s?

A photo that looks to have been taken at the old Madison Square Garden, probably in the 20s, at a PR event with "non traditionally or differently-abled" children. The ringmaster at right looks to be the legendary Fred Bradna and I'm not sure but the little clown on the left looks to be a very young Frankie Saluto.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is Fred Bradna, for over 40 seasons, Equestrian Director first for Barnum & Bailey, then for the Ringling-Barnum & Bailey combine. During a violent storm in 1945, he was crippled by a free-swinging quarter pole, and soon retired. I agree the midget clown at L is Frankie Saluto. Good blogsite, PAT. Roger Smith
