Wednesday, May 23, 2007

KIRK MARSH: Fool House

I'm in Orlando, Florida with the family this week and had the chance last night to take them to see Kirk Marsh's "FOOL HOUSE" at the Orlando Fringe Festival.

I first met Kirk in the summer of 1997 when we attended Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College together. Now, 10 short years later, he just may be on the fast track to becoming this generation's answer to George Carl.

And he's only about 28. I can't imagine what he'll be doing when he REALLY hits his stride!

Below is a review of the show from the Orlando Sentinel...


Fringe review: 'Fool House'

posted by emaupin on May 21, 2007 3:11:18 PM

OK, here's a new use for the Orlando Sentinel. When an audience member lends you a credit card to break into your imaginary onstage house, you make the Sentinel into a paper airplane to sail the card back to its owner.

Can you do that with a laptop?

I think not, and there's lots of stuff onstage in Fool House that you can't do online. Catch a banana in your mouth, for instance, or put your little red hat on your head without using your hands.

That's because Kirk Marsh is an old-fashioned kind of clown, and what he does, he does very well. He can juggle, of course, and he can turn a doleful face to an audience that's unexpectedly watching him dress. He can even lure my husband onto the stage. (What is it with that this year?)

Best of all, he can charm an audience into watching something very low-tech, something very mild-mannered, for three quarters of an hour. Sometimes comic madness can be sweet.

-- Elizabeth Maupin

Remaining performances: 7:10 p.m. Tuesday 5/22, 11:15 p.m. Wednesday 5/23, 5:30 p.m. Friday 5/25, 8:25 p.m. Saturday 5/26, 1:10 p.m. Sunday 5/27. Brown venue.

Please click the title of this post to be taken to Kirk's website.

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