Monday, May 14, 2007

LIUZHOU, CHINA: More from Stage Two

Here are more Stage Two photos from the Happy Liuzhou International Clown Festival in Liuzhou, China...

Stage Two in the final stages of construction and decoration.

Stage Two fully completed and being rocked by Thom Wheaton (reaching for hat), Jesse Dryden (holding ladder on left) and Todd Zimmerman (holding ladder on right) who KILLED with a 40 minute trio show of amazing circus skills and really well-planned and executed slapstick.

Backstage Stage Two with Jason T. Stewart (foreground), Gary Spear (left) and Mike Smith (right). This picture gives no indication of the frequently hectic backstage pace but all three teams got along famously and jelled into a great "Alley" back in the dressing rooms.

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