Sunday, June 17, 2007

CLOWNS GALLERY AND MUSEUM: All Saints Centre, Haggerston Road, Hackney.

Charlie Cairoli

Nicolai "Coco" Poliakovs


The Clowns Gallery and Museum is open for viewing and educational study from 12 Noon on the first Friday of every month. Visitors to the Museum are warmly welcomed and parties of visitors can be hosted on days other than the first Fridays by prior arrangement with the Museum manager. Maximum size of parties not to exceed 20 persons, please.

The Clowns Gallery and Museum is a private museum that is unique in the British Isles. It was founded in 1960 by Clowns International to house a display of pictures and artifacts relating to clowning and its history from earliest times. Now it has expanded to include props, costumes and a plethora of clown related items plus a literary Archive. It has been described as a jewel box and the next best thing to visiting the circus. A prime exhibit is the famous collection of painted eggs which record the facial make up of hundreds of clowns thus registering the designs in Britain.

For more details about The Clowns Gallery and Museum opening times and special arrangements for visits, please contact Mattie Faint, (Mattie the Clown) Museum Manager, telephone: 0870 1284336


  1. For your information, both the models you have shown were provided and dressed by Arthur Pedlar.
    The Clowns' Gallery might be considered part of Clowns International, of which I happen to be a former Chairman.


  2. I have been a member of Clowns International for about 8-9 years now and have been to several CI events "across the pond"...but it was not until September 2005 that I finally got the chance to visit the Clowns Gallery.
    "Toto" johnson
