Friday, June 22, 2007



  1. housch ma housch he has his good sides and his bad ones to.

    1 I dont like ultra modern looking clowns and this is going too far.

    he looks scaring!! he looks like a death body and I HATE that voice and the jibbrish talk.

    for the rest this is one of his better acts. he has some great original acts with new refreshing stuff and thats good.

    but that look: aargh !! those spandex trousers and the face: brrrrrr

  2. His look is certainly not the most reassuring...But his market is not traditional circus. The new clowns business in Europe is mainly the world of German music-halls and upscale variety theatres for young people, or spiegelzelts, or big tv shows in France or Italy. But I must say that I saw him in some traditional context(circus festival in Barcelona, Cirque d'Hiver in Paris) and I saw children enjoyng him immensely.
    Anyway, from a Russian clown is far better his idea of a new character that all those post-soviet sad costumes and make-up, that are the opposite of comedy.
    One of the good things is that with clowns like him, or Sylvester the Jester, we see coming back the old wonderful school of routined visual acts with surreal props work, in the tradition of Banana Man or other greats...
