Saturday, June 30, 2007

SUPER CIRCUS: The Lopez Trio

It's always great to watch an episode of SUPER CIRCUS. In addition to ringmaster Claude Kirshner, the beautiful Mary Hartline and the clowns Cliffy Nicky and Scampy this episode features the Lopez Trio of trapeze artists, the comedian from which seems to have watched Charlie Rivel's Chaplin act once or twice.


  1. In case you don't know it, the Frank he speaks of after thje act is Frank Clark, aka Frank & Estreleta,(hanging perch) & Francarro,(foot juggler).

  2. "Low casting" is a great act the guys doing it are steller.
    But did you know The blue show had spent a year working on a version of this, it was about Jane Goodall(sp?) and monkeys throwing her around.
    John Giggs was their teacher.
