Thursday, July 19, 2007

CHAPLIN & KEATON: Limelight (1952)

Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, sharing the screen together for the only time, from the Chaplin film LIMELIGHT.


  1. Keaton and his various biographers (and some of Chaplin's, too) always contended that there was a lot more byplay to this scene and that Chaplin edited a lot out because Keaton was so funny--too funny!--in it...

    Did that happen? Only Charlie and Buster know for sure...and, as Charlie Mack used to say, "I wouldn't want to dig 'em up just for that...."

  2. This is such a great scene! I love it, and would love to have seen the out-takes. Both Buster and Charlie were perfectionists, and I wonder what they continued to change as they continued to do the scene.

    As always Pat, thanks for posting all the great photos and videos.

    You are the man!


  3. Absolutely brilliant! But I share the wish to see an unedited version.

    Change of subject, but still dealing with comedy legends.
    Mickey Rooney is touring here in Britain in September. Should I go to see him, or is the chance that I'd be disappointed too great?
    I remember being very disappointed by Donald O'Connor (although, to be fair, he'd had heart surgery not too long before) but being absolutely entranced by Ginger Rogers, who did next to nothing.
    What do you lovely American people think?


  4. I find it very strange that there is laughter only at the end when Chaplin falls into the drum and is carried off, still playing. Surely a Vaudeville audience would have laughed at thye sheet music cascading down off the piano, thye incredible shrinking leg business and the foot in the violin. Ah, thye magic of Hollywood!!! It still beats the heck out of 95% of all the European musical comedy bits!!!


  5. I've seen MIckey Rooney twice on stage. In the first instance, he absolutely ruined a lovely production of "Showboat" playing Captain Andy. In the second instance, he was brilliant in "Sugar Babies," but I was absolutely entranced there by Ann Miller and old-time burlesque comic Maxie Furman. I was an extra in the circus movie "First of May," and Mickey Rooney was a first-class jerk,so much that co-stars Charles Nelson Riley (great guy) and Barbara Harris did cutting impersonations of him.


  6. Thanks Elmo/Dean.
    The comments on Mickey the person go along with much that I've heard over the years, but I was more concerned with the performer. He's doing the show with his wife, Jan.
    Now I find that he toured over here last year, so the show must work in this country.
    However, it is not playing major venues, which may say something about his personal popularity.

