Monday, July 23, 2007


Photos and info courtesy of Ron "Barney" DeHoff

Ron "Barney the Clown" DeHoff is a 1976 graduate of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College. In 1977 he was Advance Clown for the Hunt Bros. Circus and in 1978 was made their Boss Clown.

Unfortunately, 1978 was the last year for Hunt Bros., which at one time had been a three-ring circus.

During his time with them the show was a one-ring operated by Marsha Hunt-Jones and her husband Donald. Harry Hunt (one of the three brothers who took control from their father Charles, the founder of the show) was there as an advisor.

The following photos are from that time period...

TOP: Hunt Bros. the Philadelphia Civic Center: (Left to right) Middy Streeter, Curt Detra, Ron "Barney" DeHoff, Steve Russell and unknown clown stiltwalker in the back.

LEFT TOP: Barney with the Hunt Bros. Advance Truck

LEFT BOTTOM: Barney at Clown College

RIGHT: Promo shot of Barney's Breakaway Bicycle act

Hunt Bros. 1978 program page

Lou Jacobs (with an assist from Bob Momyer, Assistant Dean of Clown College in 1976 and '77) demonstrating the Spider Gag.


  1. lou's make up looks slightly different and the wig also.

    he looks very much like albert fratellini on this picture.

    did he intend to or is it just a coincidence (probably not spelled wright but you know what I mean.

  2. This is the wig Lou used in the car gag among a few others (sometimes the hunting rabbit bit, and balancing Knucklehead on his head bit. It had the rubber tube gimmick for the water squirt out his head.

    As far as his make up goes, I think his mugging in the gag just make it resemble the Fratellini look more than usual.


  3. Lou was describing the expression on the spider's face as he was telling me what he saw as we presented the classic "spider gag".
    Bob Momyer

  4. Bob,

    PLEASE contact me at!

    The International Clown Hall of Fame needs your help!!!
