Sunday, August 05, 2007

CLOWN COLLEGE: Class of 1972

Photo courtesy of Ron Jarvis

For having viewed this photo, you now owe Ron Jarvis $5.00.


  1. Can I pay him tomorrow for a look at it today????

  2. I couldn't get the picture to load. Jarvis, you owe me $5.00!

    Rik Gern

  3. I closed one eye when I looked. How about $2.50?
    Or, as I'm British, £1 - which would be a definite profit?


  4. this has nothing to do with the picture but with a video i'm looking for.

    As a kid I saw a show on german television and it was called " ein alter clown nimt abschied" : an old clown says goodbye.

    and the old clown was Lou jacobs!!

    I remember at the start he is sitting in front of a mirror doing his make up.

    and his daughter did her trapeze act and he was under the trapeze nervously walking around with a tiny basket to catch her if she would fall.

    it was a wonderfull experience to see this as a kid. I Think its more then 15 years ago I saw this: maybe longer.

    but where you can find a video or a you tube gfragment of it??


  5. The Lou Jacobs video is a TV special called "Finale" (at least that's the title on the American videotape that Lou showed me.

    Lou recreated most of his famous clown acts with Jimmy Briscoe, and his daughter Dolly did perform her roman ring act also.

    I seem to remember there was a problem with the business end of things in relation to the release of it except on German TV. I know the Jacobs family has copies of the show, but have never seen it on you tube or anyplace else.


  6. yes thats the one,

    so I have been lucky to see that.
    we were on holliday at that time and could only have 3 programs on the tv of our holiday chalet.
    germany 1,2 and 3

    and indeed I only saw it that once.

    Later I searched for it again: but never found anything about it:
    not a single trace.

    not in google: not at movie sites.

    but your explanaition seems to be very true.

    Only on german tv they broadcasted it.

    oh boy:I sure would like to see that again:

    it is a childhood memory and never left my memory and is one of the reasons why I like clowns so much and started clowning myself

  7. 24-hour-man,
    We could do a shot from today... but we would all have to use a putty knife to put on the mud.

    Mr Gern,
    Don't blame me... it is probably the ghost of Irv and Izzy.
