Friday, October 19, 2007

BIG APPLE CIRCUS: 30th Anniversary

I attended the final NYC dress rehearsal of the Big Apple Circus' 30th anniversary show last night in Lincoln Center's Damrosch Park and had a thoroughly wonderful time watching a wonderful performance and catching up with friends both old and new.

Standouts (IMHO) include the teeterboards of the Kongvar Troupe, The slack wire of Cong Tian, the trained dogs of Irina Markova, the show-stopping juggling of Kris Kremo and, of course, Barry "Grandma" Lubin who impresses more and more with each passing season.


  1. Hey Pat.
    I am bidding on an EBAY item along with you. Hate to bid against you. If I win it I will be happy to make you a copy no charge and mial it to you. Being the item is copyrighted as long as no money exchanges hands between us I feel comfortable with this. Your thoughts?
    I am a member of CFA, CHS and CMB. I Belong to the Felix Adler Tent. Our annual dinner this past weekend was a bit sad coming on the heels of Ed's passing.
    Circusly Yours
    email :
    Joe Giordano

  2. One of my favorite things about the show this year is that the bandstand is open enough that you can see the musicians. Big Apple Circus Band rocks!
