Sunday, November 04, 2007

CHARLIE CAIROLI: Film Appearance

Video courtesy of Craig Royston

A young Charlie Cairoli. I'm hoping that John Cooper will know the name of the film.


  1. It might be from Happidrome from 1943. I'm guessing the whiteface is Charlie's father? John Cooper perhaps knows more...


  2. HEY!!! Fabulous, really great, I think I see a bit of Oliver Hardy in him in the first part, I love it!

  3. wow wreally great.

    not only great clowns.
    but wreally good musicians to:
    they play a lot of instruments and wreally good with a great tone.

    how often you see a clown use a bassoon?

    his father plays the csardas of monti on his violin and it is a high level.

    very nice video to see.

    like this: keep them comming!!

  4. Sorry, guys, but I haven't been able to access the net for ages, and now I can't get this clip. But from the look of Charlie at the start, I'm quietly certain that the white-face is his father, Jean-Marie.
    I'm not at all sure about the name of the film/movie, but it could well be Happidrome.

