Tuesday, November 27, 2007

FRANKIE SALUTO: Some Days You're the Windshield, Some Days You're the Bug

Photos courtesy of John Peters

Here's Frankie putting on make-up for some young fans on the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus 6/15/1963.

Note Bob Dover, Performance Director in the background in black tux. I can't make out the other 2 clowns but it looks like it might be Paul Jung and one of the Nelsons.

Frankie looking like I'm feeling right now.

It's not looking as though the letter writing campaign is going to have any effect on YouTube's decision to close down my account. I'd like to very sincerely thank the folks (over 100 of you) who wrote to YouTube customer service on CLOWNALLEY.NET'S behalf.

Now all we need is someone to complain about the photos here to have the site completely taken down.


  1. Regarding U-Toob:
    Drat and Phooey!
    They're just a speed-bump in the bigger picture (so to speak).
    You still provide a great service and resource for clowning and clown history.
    Said it before, I'll say it again: Thanks for doing what you do, for taking such keen interest in sharing the pictures and stories. It brightens my day.
    Pat, keep the faith. You do just fine.

    Mark Lavender

  2. They never look at the other side, look how much you promoted You Tube. You should send them a bill!!!!

  3. That sure looks like Jung...and I'm pretty sure I've seen that checkerboard coat on him too. nice pic...

