Tuesday, November 13, 2007

LOU JACOBS In Whiteface

Scan courtesy of Bill Strong

Lou Jacobs in an adaption of the mysterious whiteface that Felix Adler and Gijon Polidor also donned for Ringling PR during the same era, from the 1948 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey press book.

For some reason I don't think "Clowns Are Still the Backbone of the Greatest Show on Earth" will be an article in the 2008 Ringling press book.


  1. I think the whiteface is to replicate the classic poster clown face on Ringling three-sheets and advertisements during that (and, I believe, earlier periods)...

    I hope Lou and Felix Adler got some extra money out of the extra duty.. (You think?)

  2. P.S. Also, wasn't 1948 the year of the celebrated George- Ballanchine-choreographed-and-Igor Stravinskyj-scored Ringling production number? That would account for the final, mysteriously tantalizing graphs of the accompanying item, touting a completely unique finale!
