Friday, January 11, 2008

MONTE CARLO 2008: The Martini Family

Photos courtesy of Raffaele de Ritis

Ask and you shall receive...

From Raffaele de Ritis

The Martini are a relatively recent classic musical entree from the French family Massot. I think it exists after no more than 7 years or so. David, the auguste at the left of the picture, is also a nice reprise clown.

Not to be confused with the Martini-Llata, a Spanish musical entree from the late 70s.


  1. indeed this is the martini family clowns.

    the father ( with the yellow vest) is called Lorenzo and he clowns al litlle bit longer.

    but they created there clownentree as a second number.

    the two sons have also other numbers

    they have won the first price in the festival des mureaux in 2004 ( whatever that is never heard off that festival)

  2. The originsl Martini Clowns were created about 1960, in Barcelona :Spain. They were Rino (white face) and Manolo and Juanito (two augusts)After Manolo with another white face (Carlos)and Lorenzo creatde another team of the Martini, who joined the second august of the RudiLlata team:Joselito, and the new team was named:The MartiniLlata.
    About 1975 the team was desapered and Lorenzo with their family created the actual Martini. Sorry with my englis is not very good.
    Montxo (August of Gari, Montxo et Joselontxo clowns)
