Thursday, February 07, 2008

CHUCK SILDOW: Feelin' Better!

Circus Sarasota's Chuck Sidlow, seen here with his lovely and very beautiful wife, Noriko...

Alright, you got me... Chuck is seen here not with his wife Noriko but with his lovely and very beautiful Laughter Unlimited partner, Mr. Jackie LeClaire.

Be that as it may, I spoke with Chuck yesterday and both he and Noriko are doing much better and deeply appreciate the outpouring of affection they have received from the international circus and clown communities.

If you'd like to drop him a line you can contact him at

Chuck Sidlow
c/o Circus Sarasota
8251 15th St. E Suite B
Sarasota, FL 34243

Circus Sarasota opened last Friday to wonderful box office and runs through the 24th before moving to Estero, FL March 11-30th. To find out more about the show please click the title of this post.

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