Saturday, February 23, 2008

TITO PEREZ: Director de Cine



  1. wow that was shocking

  2. Wow. Does this mean it's in the public domain now? That we can do with this structure whatever we please? That there is no such thing as intellectual property?

    I'm off to buy some pirated DVD's.

  3. Aside from the fact that this guy ripped of this gag he doesn't even do it well. No performance energy at all in this guy... not to metion he's got no creativity the whistle is not helping either.

    CLoWN BoY

  4. It's bad enought the gag is ripped off, but those damm whistles! Whomever introduced that in the world of clowning needs to be ousted.

  5. I believe the whistle was used to replace any trace of comedy in this bit...

  6. I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. That was one of the best acts I've EVER seen! And I LOVED the whistle!

    On a serious note, if I ever meet this guy I'm going to hurt him.

  7. god that sucked!!!! he just made david shiner ,you know,nothing is better than the original oh yeah btw whats with referee whitsles as a communication tool i thought they're supposed to be silent
