Wednesday, March 26, 2008


John Ringling North II's killer-diller, no filler, bigger-than-Michael-Jackson's-Thriller Kelly-Miller Circus rolls into Palmer, TX today where America's One Ring Wonder will give two powerhouse performances.

Showtimes at 4:30 and 7:30 PM.

Things are still going great here.

For a circus clown there is simply no feeling of existing in complete quintessence in this entire world like quietly doing your makeup in the back of a show truck in the late afternoon sunshine as the breezes make your costumes dance on their hangers.

Check out Showbiz David's recent article on the show and Mr. North by clicking the title of this post.


  1. You should by now have acquired a great appreciation for the clowns of the past who show up in those blog photos with their costumes whiter than white. It always amazes me!

  2. I can't imagine how (or why) they did it!
