Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Ringling Blue Unit 1974

Photo courtesy of Billy Vaughn

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Blue Unit Clown Alley 1974.


  1. Nice to see a photo of Swede Johnson (he's in the black top hat with red-and-white checkered shirt). What was his last year on RBBB? He went back to the old overland wagon shows such as Rose Killian and had a comedy lion act in the 1950s. Also see Mark Anthony and Prince Paul.
    Dick Flint

  2. Is that Jimmy Tinsman (sp?)? Was he on the Blue Show for very long?
    I know he worked with Barry Lubin and Mitch on the Red Show..... ventriloquist gag and the table rock.....and other misc gags.....
    Mitch, you out there? Can you weigh in here and help me out? The make up looks like Tinsman......

  3. Tinsman spent a year with the Blue show before he was 'promoted' to the Red Unit.

  4. yes you are correct. i believe Jimmy was on the blue in 74. He got hurt doing charavari. Do you remember that? The following year we had someone turn down a contract so they gave jimmy a job. The rest is history. he went on to be one of my partners for 5 years doing the table rock. a very good partner. Mitch freddes
