Friday, April 18, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Ringling Red Unit, 1975

Photo courtesy of Jonathan "Mitch" Freddes

What a great time this must have been... and it wouldn't be like this for very much longer. Look at that mix of older veteran clowns and talented young up-and-comers. What an education that generation of clowns got!

From Mitch...

Pat here is a list of the clowns in the picture.Names with * are from my CC class,

Bottom row L to R :
Bobby Kay
Lou Jacobs

2nd row:
* Mike King
Mike Padilla
Dougie Ashton
Jimmy Briscoe
Serf Rocha

3rd row:
John McHugh
Leonard Wolen
Peggy Williams
* Tim Doody
Anthony Chicino
Frosty Little
Duane Thorpe

4th row:
Vince Monzo
* George Koury
Mark Buthman
Jim Tinsman

5th row:
* Mark Stolenzberg
* Mitch Freddes
* Barry Lubin
* Ruth Chaddock
* Dale Longmire
* Bruce Gutilla
* Kathy Herb
Richard Mann
Ron Jarvis
* Steve Laporte

Note the tie that Lou Jacobs is wearing.

I own that tie.

I found it on eBay for $7.00, from the collection of an old circus fan in Pennsylvania. I was fairly certain that it must have been one of Lou's from the description and eBay photo but was almost positive when it arrived. Then Mitch sent this photo which confirmed it.

Best eBay deal EVAR!


  1. Well Pat,
    The costume that Bobby Kay is wearing is hanging in my wardrobe box.
    I had known Bobby since I was 14; in 1977 I asked him for one of his small conical hats with a butterfly for my collection. He offered the whole suit (with collar).
    That was 31 years ago and the costume is as crisp and fresh as you see in the photo when it was new.
    For id purposes, Bobby is the white face sitting in front of Lou's car.

  2. Pat,
    Love the CC photos!!
    Had the chance to attend the last year of CC,...could not as I was booked into shows during the time.
    Kicking myself now.

  3. I had a great time with that bunch. Very clever group. John McHugh had lights inide his costume. You didn't want to be near him if he was sweating.

  4. I believe the clown, (Agust) on the top left, (my left) with the bandana on is Dwayne Cunningham.

  5. clown lovers mother10:22 AM, October 07, 2010

    searching for Richard Mann any one with info please contact me at

  6. Desperately seeking Richard man, if anyone knows him, have him call his first fan, Sam, 561-727-7594. Tell him rainbow the elephant misses him.
