Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I can make out the bleach blonde hair and the "Gunther bra" but I can't make out the signature. It looks like it says "Wayne Burp".


  1. This is Wade Burck from the Ringling show.

    John Peters
    Jupiter, FL

  2. This is Wade Burck from the Ringling Show.

    John Peters
    Jupiter, FL

  3. Is it Wade Burke? He was on the blue show when I was there 1991-93.

  4. It's not an auty graff,
    This was clearly a photo on a circus fans wall that had written on it, Dear Friends, Be Wise Avoid This Guy, Was A. Jerk

  5. Pat,
    Click it bigger. It's obvious it says Casey Canine. Oh, Adam just walked in and said "put your glasses on Pops, it say Adam Burck. Sorry, I stand corrected.
    Wade Burck

  6. This is Wade G. Burke. Yes, a "Gunther clone" although he wouldn't admit to it. It was the "look" the Ringling show wanted, at the time.
    Pete, the Baraboobian!

  7. Pete,
    I wanted to be Gunther long before I first went to Ringling in 1984. Irvin actually "suggested", in 1984 that I no longer dye my hair blonde, as he didn't need 2 "lord of the rings." LOL
    In 1978 Jimmy Hamid Sr. wanted to have one(that's right one) poster made of me with the tiger on the elephant, to hang in the box office window at the theater in Asbury Park, NJ, to "battle" the "Giant" and GGW opening at the Garden the same week. When I pointed out, "they are at the box office buying a ticket, why hang paper there?". And he found out the poster would cost upwards of 36.00, the project was scrapped. The what would have been historical marketing campaign against the GSOE
    never occurred.
    Wade Burck

  8. That's Wade Burck, all right. He was on the Ringling show in '86, when I was there. He was a pleasant fellow and seemed like a really good dad. I saw him showing his little one a tiger, and making sure the kid knew not to pull on Kitty's ears.
    Gee, my dad never told me not to pull a tiger's ears. Guess he didn't like me, much.


  9. Tedrick,
    I never said anything before, but now that you have mentioned it, your father asked my a number of times to tell you to pull the tigers ear. I never knew why? LOL How are you doing, what are you up to these day?
    Your friend,
    Wade Burck
