Saturday, May 10, 2008

ART LA RUE: "The Circus Cop"

Photos and comments courtesy of Tommy Holbrook


As my research on Bozo the Clown's years at Capitol Records led me to research the career of Art LaRue "The Circus Cop",...

Art's career is not too well documented so adding research in my book did some real doing and lots of LUCK.

I noticed that someone had mentioned that Pepito Perez, was in the 1953 movie "Here come the girls",...Other clowns were in the movie although NOT given credit in the cast listing; Fred Sweeney, Pat Morgan, Bobby Kay AND ta-da,...Art LaRue.

Art is not listed in the IMDB cast listing and I have submitted the info to them but it has not been added. ALSO I submitted info TCM movie website.
I have the video and as soon as I can figure out how to send video I will do so.
Or maybe someone else has the video and can offer the clips.

The film is a lot of fun and I believe, if I remember correctly the Clowns do a runabout near the end of the film as Bob Hope is being chased by the villian. Art LaRue is clearly seen but on camera fleetingly. I have added three photos of Art with this message.

Maybe folks can add more info on Art LaRue.

Tom Holbrook

The shots are: An early shot of Art LaRue in white face with another (unknown to me) clown.

This color shot features Art (left) and California clown Larry "Bozo" Valli (right) from 1955/56.

An original shot of Art taken in April of 1946 on the Clyde Beatty show, note the full shot was used in the very first Bozo Record Reader Capitol records produced in 1946. He was never given credit for this untill (now) and in my book.

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