Thursday, May 15, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Another Step Closer!!!

Link suggested by Greg DeSanto

"CLOWN ALLEY (CBS, 10-11 p.m.). Red Skelton & Co. in a special tribute to the circus funnymen. With Jackie Coogan, Audrey Meadows, Robert Merrill, Vincent Price, Martha Raye, Cesar Romero, Amanda Blake and Bobby Rydell."

This Red Skelton television special aired only once (as far as I can tell) and no copies have ever surfaced in any part of the collector's market. Both Greg DeSanto and I have contacted the folks at Red's archives and have both been told that there is absolutely nothing in the vault labeled "Clown Alley", so unearthing this promo is certainly a major find!

For more information on the show from an earlier post, please click the title of this post.

And if anyone out there has a copy, PLEASE contact me!!!


  1. Thanks for finding and posting my YouTube video.

  2. I have loaded more videos on YouTube.

  3. I have loaded more Red Skelton and clown videos on YouTube.
