Sunday, May 04, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Hagenbeck-Wallace 1930

Photos courtesy of Bill Strong

Joe Ryan, unidentified and what looks to both me and Bill like Earl Shipley.

Although Earl kind of looks like he's being played by Joel Jeske here ; )

OK, this is not Glen Sunberry and it's not Keith Nelson so (other than the one on the Dr. Demento Show) we have yet another "Kinko the Clown".

Bill thought that it looked like Horace Laird, which is a possibility.

Joe (not Jack) Ryan


  1. Pat,
    I found a fabulous picture of Joe Sherman, Rex Young, Dime and Connie Wilson, plus others on the Texas Dates in 78. Plus a number of David Kaiser and others, plus the boxing ring gag, and the hot dog eating contest on Ringling. If I can figure out how to send them, could you use them?
    Wade Burck

    P.S. Don't tell Bill Strong about the Dime, Connie, Joe Sherman picture.

  2. I see Jack Ryan's name on Buckles site so much it was stuck in my mind.

  3. Sorry.

    Was only trying to participate and contribute.

  4. jack: I thoroughly enjoy your participation, & contribution, don't stop!

  5. Friends,
    I'd like to see more photos of Ryan in make-up.
    Interesting he wears the same outfit Art LaRue the "Circus Cop" wore. Although I can not see his make-up too well.
    Any chance please post more photos of Rayn in make-up.
    Tom Holbrook
