Wednesday, May 28, 2008

CLOWNALLEY.NET: 2nd Anniversary

Today marks the beginning of's third year online.

When I launched the site in 2006, I had two goals: I wanted to honor the great performers of the past by posting some of the photos and video that I had been collecting since childhood; and I wanted to clear up much of the well-intentioned misinformation concerning circus clowning that had sprung up online. wasn’t the first website devoted to circus clowning, but almost from the day it went online, it became the most viewed with some of the best research and first-hand information available online – and it still is, thanks to it's many regular contributors.

I knew a well-researched circus clowning blog might be interesting and useful to others, but I had no idea how quickly it would be embraced and enhanced by other current and past performers and fans. This site is now viewed around the clock by people worldwide.

I thank you all for's continued success and look forward to celebrating many more milestones with you in the years to come.


  1. Hey Pat,
    Congrats on 3 years of great work. Keep it up!
    Ciao from The Pasta Palace!
    The Fettucini Brothers

  2. Pat~
    You are doing a great thing here. Please keep it up!! It's still the first site I hit every morning.

    Mazel Tov!


  3. Today is also the anniversary of the birth of one Terence John Kirk at Cowes, Isle of Wight, England. A little later he was adopted, and is now known by a different name which some of you may be able to guess!

    John (who is not going to say how many years ago this special event took place!)

  4. Congratulations!

    Keep up the good work (I'm sure you will).


  5. Dear Pat: CONGRATS!!! Your site has been a joy--for, not the least of reasons, being so smart! Here's to another couple-a-three (as Frosty Little used to say) decades!

    --Michael Karp

  6. Pat: This has to be the most valuable asset to any circus historical researcher. Please keep it going, and thanks for your stewardship. Lane Talburt

  7. Hey Patrick...You are responsible for giving the joymakers joy. Thanks for loving everyone that ever dared to take on the world, on our crazy terms. God bless you for all the time you devote in keeping us connected to the greasepaint grapevine.
    muchas smooches,
    billy b
