Sunday, May 11, 2008


Another photo of Pepito, this one from Marcelo Melison. His visual influence seems to be felt in the photo below...

This is, from left to right, Stephen Boyd, Doris Day, Martha Raye, and Jimmy Durante from the 1962 film "Billy Rose's Jumbo" that includes adaptions of both the Boxing Gag and the Washer Woman with Bobby Kay and Albert White hired as clowning consultants.

Mr. Boyd and Mr. Durante seem to have divided Pepito's wardrobe in half, Mr. Boyd taking the collar and vest with Mr. Durante taking the hat and tie.

Thank you for Henry Penndorf for the second photo!

1 comment:

  1. It is remotely possible that Pepito worked on "Billy Rose's Jumbo." The costumes do look influenced by Pepito's own, and he knew at least two people in the cast.

    Pepito was a close friend of Jimmy Durante, and had worked with Martha Raye in the bullfight training scene in 1938's "Tropic Holiday," a Dorothy Lamour-Ray Milland film.

    Pepito did technical consulting on at least one film, the circus dream sequence of the Ginger Rogers' film "Lady In the Dark" (1944). He was in a clown scene in "Here Come the Girls" (1953) with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby (Bing was his fishing buddy).

    Does anyone have this film on VHS or DVD?
