Thursday, May 22, 2008

SLIVERS OAKLEY: Rachel Sage's "Veritgo" Video Shoot

Yesterday I had the opportunity to play Frank "Slivers" Oakley in the video for Rachel Sage's song "Vertigo" from her new album Chandelier.

The video isn't about Slivers himself and doesn't lyrically reference anything about him or his career, I just seized the opportunity to portray him when director Joshua Katcher chose a dream-like vision of turn-of-the-century circus and sideshow performers to help illustrate the song's lyrics about a dark love triangle.

If any other video directors out there would like to offer me the chance to play Otto Griebling, Lou Jacobs, Paul Jung, Felix Adler, Charlie Rivel, Grock, Joe Jackson, any of the Rastellis or Fratellinis, Yuri Nikulin, Mark Anthony or Dan Rice just click the link to the right for contact information ; )


  1. hey, apt:

    is josh katcher tall, thin, with dark hair and tattoos all over one arm?
    if so, he's my cousin...

  2. marni,

    This Josh was tall, thin and had dark hair but I have no idea if his arms were tattooed.

    Was your cousin Josh at the Slipper Room directing a music video for a Rachel Sage song yesterday? If so, it's GOT to be the same Josh Katcher ; )

  3. well if you put it THAT way... :)
    i'll check with him and get back to you. if it IS my cousin, and he just directed a CLOWN BASED music video, why didn't HE get in touch with ME?

  4. If he is your cousin he really should have called you in for this one. There were parts for two female clowns that ended up going to extras instead of pros because no one answered the casting notice.


  5. UPDATE:

    totally him. he says you did a great job and he was glad to have you.
    my family tends to forget my past life...despite all of the photos...

  6. Hi Pat,

    Jon Pult in New Orleans here. Did you receive the article about Slivers I sent? Let me know. Thanks.

