Tuesday, June 03, 2008


From Mark Evanier's blog NEWS FROM ME...

Every Saturday this month, Turner Classic Movies is running a pair of the better Laurel and Hardy movies. These are not as available as they oughta be so you might want to set the ol' TiVo. This coming Saturday, it's Sons of the Desert, followed by Our Relations. The following week, it's Blockheads, then Swiss Miss. On the 21st, they're running Way Out West and A Chump at Oxford. And then on Saturday the 28th, we get The Flying Deuces and Saps at Sea. This coming Saturday's parlay is the best one but they're all worth watching.

Mr. Evanier's brand new book on the life and career of comic book legend Jack "King" Kirby, KIRBY: King of Comics is out now and clicking the title of this post will take you to it's Amazon.com listing.

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