Friday, June 20, 2008

LOU JACOBS: Baby Buggy Gag, circa 1970s

Lou Jacobs performing his Baby Buggy Gag on the Ringling Red Unit in the mid 70s with the assistance of Serf Rocha.


  1. I think this was 75-76 as I remember Dale Longmire subbing for Lou at times.

  2. This photo might have been "flipped" as I remember Lou entering on the front track cutting through Ring 3 to the back track facing the longways. Then the bits of business, BOOM and the buggy traveling down the back track, around Ring 1, down the front track where it passed Lou (who has moved). As the buggy passed Lou, standing in front of the Center Ring, he hooked a piece of cord onto the side of the buggy thereby working the break-a-way dress.

    We'll have to consult other photos to see if Lou's hat is correctly positioned.
