Friday, August 01, 2008


I have to admit, I didn't get the whole Jigalov thing. Folks love him, folks rave about him, but the video that I'd seen just never did it for me.

This one does.

I get it now. This guy is brilliant!

And who is this playing the white role? He's really fantastic! I've seen video of Jigalov with a few partners since the loss of Eduard Alexeenko but this guy is my favorite. He's absolutely first-rate.


  1. The partner in this video is an hungarian called Cszaba. After Alexeenko, in 1991 Jigalov worked with Eugeni Kolomiets, who was for me his best partner, with a perfect complicity. It is as "Jigalov and Kolomiets" that they did the very sucessful season with Knie. Eugeni today works a solo act in German cabarets. Then, in the late 90s, Jigalov turnet to Cszaba, who revealed to be a great partner too. They won Monte Carlo togheter. This year he started to work with a new partner, Alexei Mironov. They did togheter some tv show in Europe then Funambolika 2008. Mironov, beside being a good straight man, is also a very good clown (some of his solo work must be on youtube). The Jigalov-Mironov version of "my way" is on youtube too, from a french tv show. During the years, Jigalov had some other partners for specific appeareances. The most surprising of them was at the Monte Carlo 30th gala show, for the top hat routine. This one was a very special straight man: but I don't reveal the identity until I don't post the video...

  2. Wow, thank you for this post. I laughed my butt off! And thank you for your blog - what a great and thorough job you do.

    Your friend in clowning, Elena

  3. Enjoyed this very much. This is like a "YOU TUBE" in Europe. Is there any way to view more of ---- ???? Maybe their "Your Tube" has Circuses with variety acts. I have been searching for archive Trampoline, acrobats and juggling acts. I'm sure the Ed Sullivan and Super Circus, along with Sealtest Big Top out of Pa, has been viewed over there as well.
    It truly is a shame most of these episodes have been done away with.
    Pat, -- I enjoyed the "Super Circus" shows you posted awhile back. Thanks Again for your website.
