Saturday, August 02, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Betram Mills Circus at Olympia, Winter of 1921-22

Photo courtesy of Bill Strong

Another great scan from Bill!

Bill has provided us with such great stuff over the years. If you appreciate his contributions to please take a moment to visit his wonderful circus blog and peruse all the treasures that can be found at his online store.

1 comment:

  1. It took me ages to notice that the clowns are named underneath!
    The only one of whom I know is Pimpo, otherwise Jimmy Freeman. He is/was grandfather of Mike Freeman/Sanger who has appeared on both BAC and RRRB with his comedy dog act. Jimmy's son Pat was father of both Mike and his brother Peter. Pat originated the act known as Old Regnas ("Regnas" being Sanger backwards) which both Mike and Peter have performed, Peter continuing to do it, calling himself as Peter Freeman. As you will realise, the Freeman and Sanger families are related.

