Friday, August 22, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Ringling Blue Unit, 1993

Photos and comments courtesy of Steve Copeland

Hey Patrick,

Not sure if you've found these yet, but here are some possible photos for

1. 1993 Blue Unit Alley members at some PR (maybe in DC?). I see Ceslee
Conkling, Sean Conklin, "Frenchie" Villanueva, Brian Searle, Jon Bogle,
Bob Greenspun, and Joey Kohler

2. Ceslee performing the sunblock umbrella walkaround at the PR.

A series from the Red Unit taken in Greensboro, NC in 1993

3. James Halliday (?) and Dave DeDera performing the stilt boxing gag
from Come In

4. Michael Frum from a safe cracking magic illusion track gag (?)

5. Michael Frum and Karen Bell from an artist track gag. The statue looks

like the one from the painter soap gag DeSanto did on Blue in the 80's.

6. Rik Gern in possibly the same artist track gag

7. Huel Speight doing the 3 Square Meals walkaround


  1. That statue piece is from the Japan Gold Unit version of the painters gag. Their season was short, about 5 months and the prop was still in good shape. Our version ran a full two years and by the end of the run, the foam staure head was pretty rotted out.


  2. ric gern , you look like a baby!!!

  3. Baby nothing!

    Rik Gern was already 63 years old when this photo was taken ; )


  4. how did the sunblock track gag work??

  5. The sunblock was a walk-around...the tube of sunblock read "Sunblock SPF 100"...then she would pull out the umbrella. Lara Heidtman originally created and performed this.

