Saturday, October 11, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Ringling, Clown College Reunion?

Future International Clown Hall of Fame inductees Glen "Frosty" Little and Leon "Buttons" McBryde at what looks like the Clown College 20th Anniversary Reunion.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is from the 87 Reunion/TV show taping.
    At that time Kenneth Feld and company were producing "Taste Of...(name the city)" events.
    The food trailer in the background is from that endeavor, if memory serves me.
    During the Reunion, the participants were given a very generous supply of chits to be used for food and drinks at the food trailers.
    I arrived in Venice sans camera and when I got a look at the extravaganza I purchased a new 35mm camera. When I find the photos I will send them to you, Pat.

    I have a few photos taken while we were getting ready for that huge group photo. When we were finished with looking "ahead" and multiple photos by several photographers we were told to look "up" towards the ceiling where another photographer was taking shots. We also posed for that birds-eye view but I have never seen the final result.
