Sunday, November 02, 2008

BENNY HILL: Circus Clown

Benny Hill was apparently a big fan of circus comedy and spent much of his time between seasons traveling throughout Europe visiting circuses to watch the clowns. The first part of this video is from Sept. 1975, the second part from Jan. 1981.


  1. The Levitation Gag! In '76 it was the first clown routine they taught us, so that was fun. However, they KEPT having us go over it whenever they were stuck for something to do. Though others got sick of it because of that, I still have fond memories.

  2. The Levitation Gag! I did that gag my first year on the Blue Show (1989) with Gina Alayne & David Kiser. Gina use to get mad at me all the time because I'd hit her too hard on the head with the foam sledge hammer, and her wig would almost come off. Even though the gag was old as the hills, I had alot of fun doing it.


  3. Indeed, Benny was a great fan of circus in general. And a truly nice guy.
