Tuesday, November 11, 2008


News today from Greg DeSanto and Wayne Sidley is that Clown Shoes and Props founder and member of the very first class of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, Mr. Wayne Scott is doing very poorly today and that his time looks to be coming to an end.

If you were putting it off, now might be a good time to give Marty a call and let her know that Wayne is in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Wayne Scott will never die. his spirit will last as long as my shoes do and as far as I can tell that will be forever ( cause they are made REALLY WELL) every time I put them on I will think of him and the very first time I put them on, something I hope never to forget.

  2. On a sad note, Wayne Scott passed quietly today at home around 4:30. His family was with him. Marty is doing pretty well, all things considered. If you send me an email, I will send you the details as they come, Pat.

    He's already sorely missed.
    Dale "mooseburger" Bothun
